Marking World NTD Day 2024

We are delighted to share some of the various ways our partners marked World NTD Day 2024.

Pictured here: Acting Director for NTDs and other parasitic diseases Rwanda Biomedical Centre, Comms specialist from WHO, Country Director from WHO, Public Engagement Officer for the 5S Foundation, and Community Engagement and Involvement Officer for the GHR Unit on NTDs

During the event, the country representative of the World Health Organization (WHO), reiterated the need for big funding, collaboration between government agencies and international agencies, and investment in research to eliminate Neglected Tropical Diseases and have healthy communities around the world.

In addition, the deputy director general of Rwanda Biomedical Center (RBC), emphasized the government’s commitment to eradicate NTDs in Rwanda as well as taking a keen interest in the follow-up of the 2022 Kigali Declaration. She also noted that, although some progress and success have been made in eliminating NTDs in Rwanda, some of them are still affecting the communities severely. She then called for strong strategies such as raising awareness, advocacy, and community engagement to achieve control and elimination of these diseases.

The 5S Ethiopia team participated in World NTD Day in Assosa, Benishangul Gumz Region on 30 & 31 January 2024. The event included a visit to a local health facility in Aburamo. Professor Getnet attended on behalf of the 5S Foundation team.

Speakers at the event included Her Excellency Mrs Firehiwot Abebe, State Minister of the Ministry of Health, Mr Jonathan Ross, USAID/Ethiopia Health Director, and Dr Paul Mainuka, representing WHO/Ethiopia. Following the opening speeches, two roundtable discussions were held on domestic resource mobilization in the Amhara region and strategic interventions from the Ministry of Education on NTD control.

The All-party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Malaria and Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) and the UK Coalition Against NTDs organised an event at the House of Lords under the theme ‘Unite, Act, Eliminate’ to commemorate World NTD Day on 30 January.

The event called on UK decision-makers to champion the adoption of comprehensive, partnership-driven strategies to eliminate NTDs within UK aid and broader global health policies, programmes, and investments. To resume support and funding for cross-sectoral collaborations and continue investment into research that builds on innovative approaches, strategies, and tools to deliver on its commitment to the sustainable development goals and the Kigali Declaration on NTDs.

It brought together over 120 different stakeholders, including MPs, researchers, civil society, and journalists, who heard from affected communities, the World Health Organization (WHO), global health organisations, industry, and research in person and virtually.

Dr Socé Fall, Director WHO Department of Control of NTDs speaking at the World NTD 2024 event in the UK Parliament. Photo: Paula Plaza

You can read a report and see some images of the event here. The event featured a mycetoma patient image from 5S PDRF Osama Awad, and a podoconiosis image from 5S Ph.D. Corinna Thellmann.

BSMS was represented at the event by Prof Shahaduz Zaman, Dr Papreen Nahar, Dr Gem Aellah, Jenni Wilburn, Rachel Jackson and Esther Garibay. From our perspective, the event offered a good opportunity to network, meet other NIHR-funded reps and speak to UK Parliamentarians about our research programmes.

Before that event, Dr Gem Aellah and Esther Garibay provided briefings to MP Patrick Graddy MP to support a debate on “Malaria and Neglected Tropical Diseases” that you can read here. During the debate, the cost-effectiveness of podoconiosis was mentioned, alongside the increase in scabies cases. The conflict in Sudan and the impact of that on NTDs research was also highlighted.